Church of San Michele Arcangelo and Santa Maria Goretti

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If you come to Aprilia, visit the Church of San Michele Arcangelo. It was built in 1937 by the team of architects and engineers known as 2PST; the same team that worked on the city's original master plan.

The structure has a nave, side chapels and a large apse that is repeated in the façade. Unfortunately, the church was destroyed in 1944, but in 1952 it was re-consecrated with the addition of a dedication to Santa Maria Goretti.

The church furnishings are by sculptor and painter Alessandro Monteleone. He also designed the travertine baptismal font, decorated with the symbols of the Evangelists, which has served as the high altar since 1974.

Claudio Cottiga, Raffaele De Feo, Giuseppe Modolo, Salvo, Giuseppe Scalabrin and Ferdinando Stuflesser created the works of art. With the Jubilee of 2000, it was enriched with more modern works of art and external doors: the Porta di Santa Maria Goretti with the bronze oval by Brando on the left, the Porta della Redenzione composed of six bronze panels that tell the story of the founding of the city in the centre, and the Porta di San Michele Arcangelo with the bronze oval by Cottiga on the right.

In the churchyard, you can admire the Statue of San Michele Arcangelo, created by the Abruzzese sculptor Venanzo Crocetti on the occasion of the founding of the city. The base depicts the integral reclamation.

The bell tower, destroyed during World War II, was rebuilt thanks to the contribution of the people and inaugurated during the 63rd anniversary of the town's foundation.

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